The Video4ELE-UNED application is a recovery system of linguistic information from multimedia repositories academic (subtitled videos).
We have a large database, from the weekly program of the Open University in Spanish Television from the 2010-2011 year, several thousands of videos of various kinds, captioned under the supervision of experts.
The texts have been labeled morphologically and phonetically. Our search interface allows lexical, grammatical and phonetical queries.

For collaboration in the development of didactic tools with Video4ELE, please contact us using the collaboration form.
Take part in the educational community CURSELE!


The UNED has a Master in Teachers Training in Spanish as a Second or Foreign Language, and also with an Universitary Expert.


In collaboration with the Cervantes Institute in 100% online mode. For graduates in Philology or equivalent degrees. It includes practices Cervantes centers or institutions with agreement



Universitary Expert on-line, to obtain basic theoretical and applied knowledge to the teaching of second languages, Spanish linguistic system, its standard use and teaching tools in the classroom ELE
